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cannabinoids, Cannabis, Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Skin Care, CBD, CBD Beauty, CBD for Skin, CBD in skin care, cbd skincare, hemp, Hemp for Skin, hemp skincare, Professional CBD Skin Care -

CBD also known as cannabidiol is extracted from the Cannabis Sativa plant species which includes marijuana & hemp. Unlike with marijuana, where THC also known as tetrahydrocannabinol, has psycho-active properties, CBD derived from hemp does not! To help you better understand, your endocannabinoid system has receptors spread throughout your body, CB1 receptor & CB2 receptor.  THC is a compound that binds to the CB1 receptor, it is also activated by the natural cannabinoids that exist in your body. CB2 receptor is linked more to the function & response of your immune system, & is triggered when there is inflammation. Isolated...

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cannabinoids, Cannabis, Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Skin Care, CBD, CBD Beauty, CBD for Skin, cbd skincare, hemp, Hemp for Skin, hemp skincare, Professional CBD Skin Care -

Did you know that July is National Hemp Month? Since the beginning of time, plant life has played a powerful role in being a source of sustenance and healing. Cannabis sativa is one such plant, and although it is widely known for its psychoactive properties, with a tweak of the strain, it becomes a darling of the industry and skincare known as hemp. Chemical Components Hemp and marijuana are both derived from Cannabis sativa, but only one is surrounded by controversy. All cannabis plants contain tetrahyd­rocannabinol (THC), the substance known for its psychoactive characte­ristics. However, Cannabis sativa can be cultivated for different levels of THC....

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