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anti-aging cream, beauty, organic skin care, Skin Aging, skin care products, too early for anti-aging, Victoria Tabak, When to start using skin care -

When I was 12 years old, I remember standing over my dad’s laboratory equipment while he let me help him pour ingredients into separate beakers. On the counter stood the smallest scale I had ever seen. With the beaker on the scale, we would first zero out the scale and then weigh the ingredients in the beaker. I was fascinated by the whole procedure. On one of those days, my dad gently tapped me on the forehead and said, "Don't crinkle your forehead, you'll get wrinkles." Shortly after, I began using my first facial moisturizing cream. My passion for beauty...

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Age Reversing, Anti-Aging, Causes of Aging, Control Aging, Genistein, Hormones, Leonid Markman, Patent, Phytohormones, Skin Aging, Soy Isoflavones, Victoria Tabak -

         As people mature, their skin does too. What factors cause the skin to age? We can sum it up into intrinsic factors and extrinsic factors. Intrinsic factors include those items that are out of our control, such as genetics. Unfortunately, there’s not much we can do about our genetics, so let’s move on. Extrinsic factors, on the other hand, are completely in our control. For example, what we do, what we put into our bodies, what we expose ourselves to, or what we apply on our bodies is completely up to us!            The most powerful sources...

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Anti-Inflammatory, Antioxidants, Australia, Delivery System, Emu Bird, Emu Oil, Fatty Acids, Flavanoid, Healing, Hydration, Linoleic Acid, Oleic Acid, Omega 3, Omega 6, Omega 9, Palmitic Acid, Post Peel, Soothing -

Improving your immune system through the skin sounds pretty great, doesn't it, well that is just one of the many benefits of emu oil.   Origin Emu Oil of Australian origin has been a traditional remedy originally used for medicinal purposes in that region of the world. Today it has transitioned to be a modern jewel of an ingredient in the cosmetics skin care industry.    The Contents It is a hypoallergenic ingredient with the highest purity level. The list goes on and on of its many substantial positives, which include that it is rich in Omega 3 (Carboxylic Acid),...

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Acne, AHA, Alpha Hydroxy Acids, Anti-Aging, Blemishes, Brightening, Citric Acid, Even Skin Tone, Exfoliate, Fruit Acids, Glycolic Acid, Lactic Acid, Malic Acid, Pigmentation, Retexturizing, Smooth, Sun Spots, Tartaric Acid, Wrinkles -

Did you know that alpha hydroxy acids essentially are fruit acids?  Why AHA? These wonderful fruit acids are one of the most effective ways of brightening the skin.  Brightens pigmentation due to blemishes or sun spots Retexturizes skin to smooth uneven texture and even fine lines, wrinkles and skin tone Moisturizes and nourishes skin to improve dry skin Gently exfoliates skin removing dead skin cells to improve acne skin condition Increase skin thickness by stimulate collagen production The most common alpha hydroxy acids are glycolic, lactic, citric, malic and tartaric. Glycolic - from sugar cane Lactic - from sour milk...

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