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Anti-Inflammatory, flavonoids, Gingko Biloba, ginkgo, premature aging, prevent premature aging -

Gingko Biloba is a tree species known to be one of the oldest in history cultivated and celebrated around the globe by herbalists for centuries for it's medicinal uses.  The botanical gem is a powerhouse of cell-preserving antioxidants, flavonoids, and terpenes.  The age-old herbal extract helps promote micro-circulation while soothing the skin with its active anti-inflammatory action which can be especially beneficial for conditions like dermatitis, eczema and other skin irritations. Quercetin and kaempferol are two flavonoids found in the leaf extract which are incredibly-powerful antioxidants that work to protect the cells by neutralizing cell-damaging free radicals. In other words, it empowers the skin to better protect itself from UV and other environmental pollutants. The synergistic action...

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Cacao, Chocolate, Chocolate Benefits, Chocolate Facial, Chocolate skin care -

With Halloween in just a few days, everyone enjoys a little chocolate as a treat, but have you ever thought about how good chocolate is for your skin? Your skin and your sweet tooth's demands can both be met by CHOCOLATE. Don't miss out on cacao's benefits for the skin: Cacao has 3 common minerals; magnesium, potassium, and iron. These three elements help to brighten complexion, reduce redness, and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.    It's filled with antioxidants that help improve skin texture, vibrancy, and tone. The different vitamins found in cacao, such as vitamins A and E, thiamin (Vitamin B1), and calcium, nourish your skin and...

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Botanical Peel, Chemical Peel, chemical peels, Designer Peel, enzyme, Enzyme Peel, enzymes, Exfoliate, exfoliating ingredient, Glycolic Peel, Jessner Peel, phytoenzyme, Skin Brightening -

During the Summer months your skin is exposed to a lot of different elements such as sun, chlorine, sand, salt water and wind all of which take their toll. This can weather our skin leaving it looking blotchy, dull and discolored. In order to protect itself from these harsh elements our skin reacts by increasing its surface layer of dead skin cells. The resulting effect is a dry and dull complexion. The good news is there are certain things you can do to rectify the damage and bring back your radiant skin. The post Summer months are the perfect time...

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Anti-Inflammatory, Antioxidant, Antioxidants, caffeine, Caffeine Skin Benefits, Detoxifying, International Coffee Day, wellness -

Would you categorize yourself as a habitual tea or coffee drinker? Well, guess what, tomorrow is International Coffee Day, so let's seize the moment and explore some truths about caffeine.   Are you curious about the benefit or harsh reality of caffeine's effect on the skin? DOES CAFFEINE HELP OR HURT OUR SKIN? PROS: Caffeine is a stimulant that energizes and offers a boost to your skin and body.  Caffeine is a molecule with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties so when applied topically, it improves circulation while also detoxifying your skin.  Caffeine can help relieve puffiness or swelling by promoting healthier microcirculation. Caffeine is an effective...

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Black Currant C Serum, Stable Vitamin C, Vitamin C Serum, Vitamin F, Vitamin F Serum -

This may be a huge surprise, but did you know that Vitamin F is not actually a vitamin? Vitamin F is predominantly made up of Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA) and Linoleic Acid (LA) essential fatty acids, also known as omega-3 and omega-6. Essential fatty acids are critical for the body to function correctly, but it is also a powerhouse bio-active lipid skincare ingredient that is key to strengthening the skin’s moisture barrier. The body cannot generate essential fatty acid lipids on its own, which is why it is so important to provide the necessary ingredient for the skin and body through...

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