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911, September 11, Twin Towers -

Dear Friends, Do you remember where you were on September 11, 2001? What were you doing, what were you thinking, what were you feeling? 20 years have gone by and yet, I remember it like it was yesterday, it's certainly a day that we never forget. That tight painful knot in my stomach, I have to hold back tears just thinking back to that day in history. How powerful our thoughts and emotions are, naturally they can cloud our sense of clarity. Just as with any tragedy or difficult event in history or in our own lives, naturally we can get...

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Self Care, Selfcare, September Self Care, Skin Care Routine, Skin Rituals, Skin Routine -

September is National Self-Care Awareness Month. It was created to remind us to take care of ourselves and how important self-care is if we really want to thrive in life. It can be easy to overlook as we get sucked into our busy lives. However, by making self-care a priority you are better equipped both mentally and physically to deal with everything that life throws at you. As the old saying goes, you cannot give from an empty cup. If you’re not already, now’s the time to start prioritizing you. Today we’re going to cover 4 ways you can boost...

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Back To School, Back To School Skin Care, College Stress Skin Tips, Teen Skin -

Can you believe it, here you were just winding down after one crazy school year, and here we are again, on the cusp of the beginning of another new school year? Now, I can tell you for sure, from my good old school days, back to school just happened to bring on new breakouts and a need for major acne damage control. Perhaps it was from the lack of good sleeping habits, or not always the best food choices or maybe from the slew of ongoing paper deadlines and exams plus the high expectations, or maybe not always the most balanced...

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how to lighten dark spots, How to lighten skin, how to whiten skin, natural skin lightening, skin lightening serum -

As an esthetician, I have worked with many different skin types, and a common concern among my clients is skin pigmentation. My clients will often ask me what can be done to improve their pigmentation. I tell them that foremost, it is important to understand how it got there and then identify what kind of ingredients work to brighten skin discoloration. One thing is certain: pigmentation is an ongoing issue that demands ongoing attention. There are different types of skin pigmentations. In this article, I will primary focus on the dark spots, also known as hyperpigmentation.  What is hyperpigmentation? Hyperpigmentation...

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Beauty, Bug bites, Bug Repellent, Environment, Esthetician, Healthy Skin, Skin Health, Skincaretips, SkinTips -

During the summer month's our skin is not only exposed to more sun but also to many other environmental factors including insects.  The most basic kind of insect bites can cause hives, rashes, and inflammation.  Ingredients like rosemary, lemongrass, mint, basil and even lavender have certain insect repelling properties, especially against mosquitos.

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